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Awe Struck Wonder: Seeing God in the Every-Day Moments.

Awe Struck Wonder: Seeing God in the Every-Day Moments.

“Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders. Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash? Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge? Job 37:14-16 NIV I was tapping away at my computer...

It Wasn’t Poo!

It Wasn’t Poo!

It was a Sunday afternoon and the kids were involved in an intense game of backyard cricket when my 10-year-old neighbour dropped the bat and ducked quickly through the house and out the front door. “Where’s he going in such a hurry?” I asked my husband, Leigh. “He’s...

Thirteen Reasons Why: A Review

Thirteen Reasons Why: A Review

My husband claims that if something happened ten or more years ago, he simply can’t remember it. That’s a shame because our eldest daughter just turned ten. I’ll have to show him some pictures. I, on the other hand, am blessed with a very good long-term memory. Or...

Deep Down Joy

Deep Down Joy

Last week I cried so much that my husband had to come home from work in his lunch break to help me calm down and breathe. He just came in and sat me on the couch and held onto me for as long as he could before disappearing back to his office job; like some giant,...

Healthy, strong, beautiful.

Healthy, strong, beautiful.

My eight-year-old daughter Georgia feels everything with the whole of her heart. When an ambulance passes us on the road, it’s common for her to get teary and anxious for whoever might be inside it. She loves deeply and hurts regularly for those who are struggling....

On Saying No

On Saying No

I stand in front of the calendar on our fridge and look at all the empty spaces. “What do I actually do with my life?” I say to Leigh. “Look at all these blank spaces of nothingness.” My February isn’t very busy. It’s this new thing I’m trying out called, “saying no.”...