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When your GP just isn’t a nice guy.

When your GP just isn’t a nice guy.

It hurt to breathe and I was sweating all over. “It’s just a cold. Stay in bed. You’ll be alright tomorrow if you rest.” Leigh’s cold symptoms only ever last about seven minutes so he didn’t have much sympathy. No man flu for him. He tucked me in, handed me the remote...
On Showing Up

On Showing Up

I’ve written recently about how much I love social media, and today I want to share with you a couple of things that I’ve read and seen on the interwebs lately that have inspired and encouraged me. First up, there was this beautiful Instagram post by Perth writer Em...

Parenting: Beautiful and Gruelling

After yesterday’s post complaining about my 9-year-old, my friend Wendy sent me this really great article. Even though it drops many F-bombs, it was a really helpful reminder that my daughter is going through an age and a stage that will pass. One of the many...
Oh to be Wise!

Oh to be Wise!

There was a debate brewing around a controversial issue on Facebook and after thinking about it for about twenty seconds, I decided to add my two cents worth. Moments after sharing, I received a bunch of comments affirming my viewpoint. I smiled and stuck my phone in...