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An hour in the life…

An hour in the life…

One thing I love about reading blogs is the insight that it gives into other people’s lives. In 1997, back before blogging was a thing (was the internet even a thing?) I used to sit in History class with a girl named Leah Murphy. Every History class I would give Leah...
Dolly’s Dream

Dolly’s Dream

The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being relentlessly bullied, have created a very powerful and evocative advertisement to address the issue of cyber bullying. The advertisement, directed by 15 year old Charlotte McLaverty,...
When Santa Doesn’t Come to Town…

When Santa Doesn’t Come to Town…

If I had the chance to go back in time (to 2007) and have a complete parenting do-over, I’d rethink my whole attitude toward Santa Claus. I’ve been pretty hit-and-miss when it comes to the whole mystical creatures deal. One year at Easter, I chewed up a...

Broken Nenna

I was having a good old chat with my friend Sam when Sienna came in from out the back. She was crying and I could tell it wasn’t a she-won’t-let-me-play cry, but more of a I’ve-hurt-myself cry. “I hurt my arm,” she said. I looked at her arm and a strange noise came...

All the things.

“This is how you wash a lunch box!” I scream. I plunge the container and lid down into the hot soapy water and the water runs over the side of the bench and all over my jeans and the wooden floorboards. My nine year old stands in the kitchen with a defiant look on her...

Getting It Done

I’ve been working on an assignment most nights this past week. When I haven’t been working on it, I’ve been feeling guilty for putting it off, and there’s been this little voice saying, “we need to do the assignment.” It’s not...