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Parent Rep

Parent Rep

The traffic was building up at a set of lights that normally move quickly. I sat in the line and waited for a long time before giving up and changing lanes. Surely there was a break down causing the delay? The other lane would take me on an alternate route home. As I...

Keller, Hatmaker and Me: Who Shapes Your Thinking?

New York Pastor Timothy Keller is a mad fan of the writer C.S Lewis. Lewis is the author of the Narnia series as well as lots of other stories and essays about Christian faith. Keller’s passion for Lewis is what led him to his wife Kathy, who he will proudly tell you...

Roadtrains and Memories

Through the 80’s my parents owned and ran a beach resort in Yallingup. I say “resort” because that’s what it was called, but in reality, it was a bunch of simple red brick self-contained units with modest décor and a barbeque area, just a short stroll from the best...

Blue Arm, #Fitby40 and 50 Books

Sienna Update Okay, so I realise that I’m not the first parent to have a child break a bone but, you know, I grew this child myself, so she’s special to me, and when she breaks, it’s a big deal. And lots of people have asked, so I thought I’d...