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The Road to Character

The Road to Character

I am a little bit obsessed with identifying and trying to improve upon the weaknesses and flaws in my personality. It is a vain thing to which I seem to return; the relentless pursuit of self-improvement via self-loathing. One morning last week I sat in a café and...
A Lexicographer in a Scrippy- The Dictionary of Lost Words

A Lexicographer in a Scrippy- The Dictionary of Lost Words

There is a delicious warm breeze flowing from the open windows of my front sitting room and heading straight out the laundry door in the back. It inspired me to wash my floors, which then led to scrubbing my kitchen cupboards with Gumption. Gumption. What a good word....
Great Reads for a Long Winter

Great Reads for a Long Winter

If like me, you are thinking you’ll self-isolate as much as you can over the next few months, you might have some more time to read. I highly recommend escaping into a good novel when you’re feeling a little bit anxious or overwhelmed by the news....

Wimmera by Mark Brandi- a review

Mark Brandi’s novel Wimmera was not the kind of thing I had in mind for holiday reading. But my friend Sam had read it in one sitting and a copy jumped into my trolley when I was shopping in Big W. By page five, I almost set it down- camping holidays by the...
Thirteen Reasons Why: A Review

Thirteen Reasons Why: A Review

My husband claims that if something happened ten or more years ago, he simply can’t remember it. That’s a shame because our eldest daughter just turned ten. I’ll have to show him some pictures. I, on the other hand, am blessed with a very good long-term memory. Or...