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Small Kindnesses By Danusha Laméris I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walkdown a crowded aisle, people pull in their legsto let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you”when someone sneezes, a leftoverfrom the Bubonic plague. “Don’t die,” we are...
Bowen Family Systems Theory

Bowen Family Systems Theory

Many pastoral leaders seeking meaningful ways to maintain good mental, emotional and spiritual health have looked to the field of psychology to guide their thinking and practice. It would appear that many organisational leaders, including clergy, are turning to Family...
The Day I Got My Finger Stuck in the Bunghole

The Day I Got My Finger Stuck in the Bunghole

THE DAY I GOT MY FINGER STUCK IN THE BUNGHOLE by Yvette Cherry It was a beautiful calm day on the lake. The birds were singing in the giant Karri trees that lined the shore. The water was cool and clear- perfect for a hot summer’s day. Everything was perfect,...
Grasshoppers and Roundabouts

Grasshoppers and Roundabouts

I’m a firm believer that God uses the circumstances of our everyday lives to communicate with us. Sometimes we just need to be listening- paying attention to recurring patterns, themes, metaphors and motifs. I had coffee a while back with a particularly sparkly young...